Why don’t I have email access?
If you are a temporary employee or student help, your department must submit a Security Access Request form. NOTE: You can only access this form from a computer on the district network.
Staff/Faculty – your email account is created automatically when you’ve processed through HR. If you are new or returning and do not have email access, first contact your dean’s office and ask where your paperwork is. If they’ve submitted all your paperwork to HR and you’ve completed all of your requirements (fingerprints, etc.), you should then contact your HR representative.
Adjunct faculty whose last name begins with:
A-G call 916-568-3119
H-Pa call 916-568-3148
Pb-Z call 916-568-3172
Full time faculty and management call 916-568-3109
Classified staff and temp employees call 916-568-3107
If the dean’s office submitted paperwork and HR processed your paperwork and you still do not have email access, submit a Faculty/Staff Support Request.